
In this second edition, this book trains scientists to not be used by their minds but instead to use them, allowing focus on the core aspects of professionalism; collegiality, personal standards, judgment, benevolent self sacrifice, and leadership ability.


Catching Cold: Volume 2 – Redemption – Available November, 2022

Doctor Jon DeLeon and his reconstituted CiliCold team deflect SSS Pharmaceuticals from their immunology work, escaping to a hidden research environment. There, they take a heart stopping chance and make an explosive discovery, shocking the world.

Catching Cold: Volume 1 – Breakthrough – Available February 2021

A disgraced university professor assembles a motley group of scientists to complete a quest that the world has rejected – the cure for the common cold.

“Saving Grace – Available February 2021

Time is running out for Lindsey Silva PhD as she runs the gauntlet of the pharmaceutical industry and the FDA to cure a fatal disease in a young child.

Catching Cold: Volume 2 – Redemption – Available March 2022
Catching Cold: Volume 3 – Judgment – Available March 2023


Face to Face with Katrina’s Survivors: A First Responder’s Tribute – 2007

A physician describes his experience as he and his colleagues respond to the 700,000 New Orleans citizens displaced to Houston by Hurricane Katrina in 2005

Finding Your Way in Science: How to Combine Character, Compassion, and Productivity in Your Research Career. Vancouver, Canada. Trafford.

Guidance for young investigators as they are asked for their total commitment to scientific productivity.

Probability and Statistics

The first book to combine measure theory, probability and public health at a level for graduate students.

Probability and Measure in Public Heath – free download from this site

Weighing the Evidence: Duality, Set and Measure Theory in Health Care Research

Drawing conclusions from clinical research without statistical hypothesis testing

Elementary Bayesian Biostatistics

An introduction to Bayesian biostatistics for clinical investigators

Statistical Reasoning in Medicine – The P value Primer. 2nd Edition New York. Springer
The background, use and misuse of p-values in biostatistics

Statistical Monitoring of Clinical Research: Fundamentals for Investigators. New York. Springer.

Mathematical Statistics with Applications:. New York. Taylor Francis. (with Asha Kapadia, and Wenyaw Chan)

Multiple Analyses in Clinical Trials: Fundamentals for Investigators   New York. Springer. .

Difference Equations with Public Health Applications.  New York. Marcel Dekker. with Asha Kapadia

Statistical Reasoning in Medicine – The P value Primer. New York. Springer. (no longer available)

no longer available