Excerpt from Catching Cold Judgment

Meredith walked down the side of the long conference past all of the murmuring lawyers. She saw Clay was standing up, over her chair.
     “You know Clay, I thought you were the kind of man who loved sniffing seats.”
       He started to stand up. “Wha−”
       When he reached her height, her left hand lashed out, catching his larynx in the web between her thumb and index finger.   He staggered back into the corner of the conference table from the blow’s force, hands going to his throat.
        A brutal right cross caught him under his left eye and he went sprawling over his chair onto the floor, face up.”She took the glasses from his face and, placing them on the floor, ground them with her heal until they were twisted plastic and shattered lenses.
        “This is what Petty Officers, Second Class do,” she said, “Look at me.”
        He tried to twist his head up to bring her face into view.
       She helped him, grabbing and pinching his fat chin, lifting the drooping skin.”I am and will always be, Ms. Doucette to you. Don’t dare address me common again.”
      She stepped over him and returned to her seat. Only death stillness in the room.
      A woman in a black suit and white blouse stepped forward. She leaned into the mike that sat on the table to Meredith’s left.         “Can we go on the record please?”
     “Uh, sure. On the record at 11:48 AM”
      “I am Jenny Shields, representing SSS Pharmaceuticals today. Defense has no further questions for this witness.“Deposition ends at 11:49 AM,”