Category Professionalism

Long Term Vision

What will you be doing twenty years from now?   This question appears absurd in an environment where the vicissitudes of life regularly overturn well intentioned short term plans. However, it is precisely in this chaotic environment that a long…

Self Sacrifice

Writing straight from your heart is illuminating, cathartic, liberating, and productive.  But it is not everything. Productivity is not the leading force in your career, but only one of several important cores of your professionalism as a writer.  Accepting this…


I want to be up front with you. This will be a very challenging read. If you devote exclusive time to your character and the development of courage you will prosper although your career trajectory may be altered if not…

Performance Significance

Investment: As a developing novel writer, it is essential to carry out a critical assessment of your writing skills. However, this can be painful in the face of bad reviews. To conduct this evaluation,  you need not just coping skills,…

Fear of Failure

You have an idea for a transgender villain. Or a scene involving the vice president’s wife as a party to traitorous behavior. Or a character who will become the nation’s first Islamic president. They fit perfectly with your novel and…