Face to Face with Katrina Survivors

Face to Face with Katrina Survivors. First Responder’s Tribute

In August 2005, a tropical wave formed then quietly disappeared in the Atlantic Ocean just west of equatorial Africa. After several days it emerged just east of the Florida peninsula, strengthening to become the hurricane season’s eleventh tropical storm. Computers, following their well-rehearsed procedures, routinely generated a name for this typical disturbance in an unusually active season – “Katrina”. Its impact on New Orleans and its citizens were incalculable…

Winner of the 2007 Skipping Stones Honor
Award for Multiculturalism

Winner of the 2007 Eric Hoffer Award for Best New Writing on Culture

Winner of the 2007 Ben Franklin Award  for Best Multicultural Book of the Year

Winner of the 2007 Foreword Magazine Gold Medal for Family & Relationships